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佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問..What Is The Practice Of Mind? 마음수행이 무엇입니까?
◈ What Is The Practice Of Mind? (마음수행이란…) ◈ Q : What is the practice of mind? 마음수행이 무엇입니까? A : It means to get rid of contaminated minds. I..
심월명혜 방거사2023-10-309
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. What Is Wholesome And What Is Unwholesome? 무엇..
◈ What Is Wholesome And What Is Unwholesome? (善,惡이란…) ◈ Q : What is wholesome and what is unwholesome? 무엇이 선이고 무엇이 악입니까? A : Wholesome means ..
심월명혜 방거사2023-10-2210
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. Do Buddhists Have Faith? 불교에도 믿음(信心)이 있는지요?
◈ Do Buddhists Have Faith? (믿음,信心…) ◈ Q : Do Buddhists have faith? 불교에도 믿음이 있습니까? A : Of course. 물론입니다. Q : How is it different from oth..
심월명혜 방거사2023-10-037
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. What Is ‘Cause And Condition’? 인연(因緣)이 무엇인가요..
◈ What Is ‘Cause And Condition’? (因緣이란…)◈ Q : What is ‘Cause and Condition’? 인연(因緣)이 무엇입니까? A : Literally, it means the association between ..
심월명혜 방거사2023-09-2610
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問..Does The Previous Life Exist Or Not? 전생(前生)은 존..
◈ Does The Previous Life Exist Or Not? (前生의 존재여부…) ◈ Q : Does the previous life exist or not? 전생은 존재하는 것인가요, 아니면 존재하지 않는 것인가요? A : I think it d..
심월명혜 방거사2023-09-189
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. What Is Fate? 운명(運命)이란 무엇인가요?
◈ What Is Fate? (運命이란…) ◈ Q : What is fate? 운명(運命)이란 무엇인가요? A : It is called Woon Myung in Korean. Woon means to carry, to drive, and to conv..
심월명혜 방거사2023-09-1211
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問..How should beginners start the study of buddhi..
◈ How Should Beginners Start The Study Of Buddhism The First Time? (불교공부는 어떻게 시작하는 것이 좋을까요?) ◈ Q : How should beginners start the study of Buddh..
심월명혜 방거사2023-09-057
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. What Is The Benefit Of Learning Buddhism? 불교(..
◈ What Is The Benefit Of Learning Buddhism? ◈ (불교를 배우면 무슨 이득 있나..?) Q : What is the benefit of learning Buddhism? 불교를 배우면 무슨 이익이 있습니까? A : Y..
심월명혜 방거사2023-08-287
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. What Is Buddhism? 불교(佛敎)란 무엇인가요?
◈ What Is Buddhism? (불교란..?) ◈ Q : What is Buddhism? 불교(佛敎)란 무엇입니까? A : Buddhism is the way of transforming suffering into happiness. 불교는 고..
심월명혜 방거사2023-08-218
佛者가 흔히 갖는 疑問.. 깨달음이란 무엇입니까?
◈ 깨달음이란 무엇입니까? ◈ Q: What is awakening ? 깨달음이 무엇입니까? A: Awakening is the intrinsic nature of mind that does not have false idea or false concep..
심월명혜 방거사2023-08-1512